“Welcome to Week ONE of RI’s Month of Rotary Fellowships.

No better news this week than one coming from the on-going international conference in Singapore.
The sum of $30m has been set aside by Rotary International in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Vision to fight deadliest diseases in four African countries including Nigeria. In a statement distributed in Nigeria by Ibim Semenitari (communications unit of Rotary) with the endorsement of Claudia Brunner (Rotary International), Nicole Harris of World Vision, and Gates Foundation leadership, it was disclosed that the USD$30 million program is to tackle ‘Rotary Healthy Communities Challenge’ and strengthen health systems and tackle leading childhood killers named as malaria, pneumonia, and diarrheal diseases.

The focus countries, according to the statement include the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mozambique, Nigeria, and Zambia. Over the next three years, the Rotary Foundation, World Vision, and the Gates Foundation will collectively contribute US$30 million to fund large-scale, high-impact programming, with local leadership and organizations to improve health outcomes for children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Mozambique, Nigeria, and Zambia.

“Investing in community health workers is one of the best things we can do to bolster the fight against malaria and other preventable diseases,” said Philip Welkhoff, Director of Malaria at the Gates Foundation. “We are proud to build on our partnership with Rotary and World Vision and are confident this new initiative will help ensure that children in these four countries have the opportunity to grow up healthy and reach their full potential.”
Over the last 100 years, US $5.5 billion has been awarded through The Rotary Foundation.” – Submitted by: Christopher W Knapp, District 6000 Foundation Chair

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