Why Rotary?
“I was with Soo Select Credit Union for years prior to our merger with Wings Financial Credit Union in 2018. With Soo Select, I did nothing with or for the #community. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. We didn’t participate in any clubs, organizations, events, fundraisers, nothing.
When Wings Credit Union took over, they were a very Community focused organization. So honestly, I was told I was joining Rotary. I had no idea what Rotary was, what they did locally or internationally. I hadn’t even heard of them before.
That first meeting was so intimidating, but I realized there were people in that room that I already knew. Everyone was inviting and walked me through step by step how things worked.
Over time I have developed #relationships with fellow Rotarians that I wouldn’t have had without this club. These relationships kick started my entire community involvement which filled something that had been missing in my life. I do tend to stretch myself to thin sometimes, but I love it and wouldn’t change a thing.
Four years later, I am the previous club president. This has been both challenging and #rewarding at the same time. Rotary does so much for and with the community children. Anything for the children, I am all in.” – Rhonda Stucy, Branch Manager of Wings Financial and previous President of the TRF Rotary Chapter.
#ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary