Thank you Dr. Chris Mills for your updates on our school district today and willingness to answer our questions!

Congratulations to Beth Nelson for receiving your Paul Harris award pin at today’s meeting as well! Your generosity doesn’t go unnoticed and we appreciate you being a Rotarian!

What is the Paul Harris Award? Great Question: “Continuing the legacy of our founder, the Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.” –,Rotary%20Foundation%20of%20Rotary%20International.

If making a positive impact in other people’s lives in important to you. Than Rotary is the place to be! You can come check us out for free one, two, or even three times before deciding if becoming a rotarian is right for you. So, what are you waiting for?
Oh, and did you hear? We have scholarships available for our first year members to save you up to 60%. Don’t wait, come check out a TRF Rotary meeting soon. We would love to have you!
#ServiceAboveSelf #Rotary #trfrotary

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