Posts Tagged ‘TRF Rotary’

Rotarians and their guests are welcome to join us at the SouthTown Lanes to learn more about all the exciting updates they have done recently while enjoying delicious food.

Come join us!

ServiceAboveSelf #TRFRotary #TRF #Rotary

Join us for a fun evening of socializing at our locally owned Rivers and Rails Brewing Company! Rotarians, along with their family and friends, are all welcome to enjoy great company, delicious pizza, and refreshing beverages.

We can’t wait to see you there!

#ServiceAboveSelf #TRFRotary #Rotary #TRF #RiversAndRails

Rotarians and their guests are welcome to join us for a great meal and conversation before learning more about the upcoming referendum vote.

ServiceAboveSelf #TRFRotary #TRF #Rotary

“Pictured above, left to right: Drew Erickson (President, Thief River Falls Rotary) and Michelle Landsverk (Executive Director, Advance Thief River)

Thief River Falls Rotary Awards $5,000 Grant to Advance Thief River Childcare Fund

On October 1, the Thief River Falls Rotary proudly awarded a $5,000 grant to the Advance Thief River Childcare Fund, supporting the critical needs of area childcare providers. The grant, presented by Rotary President Drew Erickson, symbolizes the organization’s ongoing dedication to the community. Accepting the award was Michelle Landsverk, Executive Director of Advance Thief River, who expressed deep gratitude for Rotary’s commitment to the region’s childcare providers.

Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self,” exemplifies the organization’s dedication to improving communities and making a positive impact through selfless service. Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. This award aligns perfectly with Rotary’s mission and values by supporting a vital community service—childcare. By addressing the challenges faced by local childcare providers, Rotary is helping to ensure that working families have access to high-quality childcare options, a foundational component in fostering a healthy and thriving community.” –

#ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary #TRFRotary #ChildCare

Rotarians and their guests are welcome for great conversation, lunch, and this presentation.

ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary #TRFRotary

“Welcome to Week THREE of RI’s Month of Fellowships.

The island countries of the South Pacific are tropically warm, economically diverse, and really, really far apart. In this region, which spans millions of square miles, even individual countries’ islands are scattered across vast distances. Public health workers face unique challenges in vaccinating the islands’ children. The news this week is from a report by Etelka Lehoczky where Rotary’s Give Every Child a Future program vaccinated over 100,000 children in several South Pacific islands. “It’s hard to transport vaccines to the outer islands because of the distance and transport availability. Sometimes they have to wait one to three months to get a boat across,” says Rufina Tutai, who oversees immunizations for the Cook Islands. The 15 islands in her jurisdiction are spread over nearly 2 million square kilometers (770,000 square miles). “Flights are expensive to charter, and we’re lucky if a flight can go to the outer islands in less than two weeks,” she adds.

Such obstacles did not deter the Rotarians of Australia, New Zealand, and several Pacific Island countries from organizing a major vaccination program in the islands. Called Give Every Child a Future, the effort – which celebrates 100 years of Rotary in the region – is providing three new vaccines to 100,000 children in nine Pacific Island groups: the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Ultimately, the members applied for 23 Rotary Foundation Global Grants, securing more than US$980,000 in funds from The Rotary Foundation. The program was also funded by about US$807,000 in District Designated Funds, US$990,000 from clubs and individual members, US$264,000 from other foundations, and US$860,000 from the Australian government. That funding paid for much more than vaccines. It was used to purchase special refrigerators, insulated containers, and other equipment to keep vaccines cool and transport them to the most distant islands. The health ministries in the nine island groups will be able to use this equipment for many years. That fulfills the project’s other goal of helping the targeted areas add the three vaccines to their regular immunization schedules.” Submitted by: Christopher W Knapp, District 6000 Foundation Chair
#Rotary #rotaryinternational #ServiceAboveSelf

“Earth Day Today

Earth Day is a day to celebrate the progress that has been made in protecting our environment and to commit to continuing those efforts. Rotary has adopted as its Seventh Area of Focus to Protect the Environment. In our lifetimes we have seen dramatic reductions in air pollution from vehicles, clean ups of hazardous waste sites, river and streams recovered to clean water, a dramatic increase in the use of renewable energy, and a raised consciousness of the importance of protecting our environment especially in our young people. Rotary’s commitment internationally to the environment also signals our efforts to be relevant to our next generation of Rotarians in our Clubs and in our leadership. Our District has an Environment Committee that can help with environmentally focused service project ideas. When talking with prospective younger members be sure to mention our commitment to protecting the environment.” – Mark Leutgeb District 5580 Membership Chair

“Welcome to Week 4 of RI’s Month of Maternal & Child Health

Rotary Club of Jaipur Round Town, RID 3054 and Rotary Club of Rajdhani, RID 3292 (Nepal) collaborated to establish the Renal Sciences Center at the Rajasthan Hospital in Jaipur through a Rotary Foundation Global Grant worth $288,000 USD. In a report by Team Rotary News, the RF-sponsored center will provide low-cost dialysis and associated services like retinopathy and neuropathy to less privileged patients. Project coordinator, PDG Ramesh Agrawal said that the project has already benefitted over 5,500 patients. The new facility will provide a complete spectrum of care from simple dialysis to a renal transplant procedure, cataract and laparoscopic surgeries and other related treatments at much lower costs than private hospitals. It has also helped in providing employment opportunities by training over 100 paramedical staff. (source:

Fun Facts about Jaipur, India.

The Pink City…so named when in 1876, the Prince of Wales and Queen Victoria visited India and the Maharaja of Jaipur ordered the whole city painted pink. Since then, it has become the color of hospitality
Capital city of Rajasthan State, NW India.
First planned city in India, started in 1726 and completed in 4 years.
Population in 2023: 4,207,000
Hosts World’s largest free literary festival
Has the most expensive hotel suites (The Raj Mahal Presidential Suite is $50,000 per night)
Jaipur has the biggest circular park in all of Asia.
RID 3054 is home to over 125 clubs.” – Christopher W Knapp, District 6000 Foundation Chair

#ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary #EarthDay #maternalhealth #childhealth

Thank you Travis Giffen, TRF Public Works Director, for your update on the projects in process and coming up in the area at today’s Rotary meeting. Here’s one of them,

Also, thank you to our Rotarian, Richard Baker, for hosting Travis!

📚 If you have books you aren’t using please donate them. Our rotary chapter is sponsoring a book exchange at Riverfest this year and want to make sure no child goes without a book (even if they don’t have one to exchange). Rhonda Stucy is leading the effort and is excited to accept book donations at Wings Financial or at our Rotary meetings. Please let us know if you have questions.

Last but not least, Happy birthday to our Rotarian, Paul Burnett

We are looking to grow in 2024 and even have scholarships available to new members. So, come check us out at one of our weekly lunches or socials. We would love to have you.

#TRF #trfrotary #Rotary #ServiceAboveSelf

Good morning, we are excited for our upcoming Rotary speakers/events plus look forward to seeing our Rotarians and guests.

4/9/24 Travis Giffen – Public Works Director, hosted by Richard Baker.

4/20/24 Not on Tuesday or at the legion – Social at our fellow Rotarian’s home, Dave Beito, for the King of Wings competition preparation and sauce picking.

4/23/24 Close-Up Students we sponsored hosted by Rhonda Stucy.

4/30/24 Guest Rotarian – Joe Wiegand, Theodore Roosevelt Reprisor & Goodwill Ambassador. Hosted by Rhonda Stucy.

Whether you are already a Rotarian, have been a rotarian, or want to learn more about what being a Rotarian is all about. We would love to have you join us for our meetings.


“It’s Week ONE of RI’s Month of Maternal and Child Health

An estimated 5.9 million children under the age of five die each year because of malnutrition, inadequate health care, and poor sanitation — all of which can be prevented. Rotary provides education, immunizations, birth kits, and mobile health clinics. Women are taught how to prevent mother-to-infant HIV transmission, how to breast-feed, and how to protect themselves and their children from disease.
More than $102 million (USD) has been spent by Rotary International on Global Grants targeting Maternal and Child Health
Haiti has the highest maternal and infant mortality rate of any country in the western hemisphere. Rotary provided a fully equipped medical Jeep to volunteers and midwives to reach mothers and children in remote areas.
Cancer screening: Rotarians provided a mobile cancer screening unit and awareness trainings around Chennai, India, where there is a high mortality rate of women with breast and cervical cancer due to late diagnosis.
Preventing injuries and deaths: Rotary members launched a $3 million, five-year pilot to save lives of mothers and children during home deliveries in Nigeria. Since 2005, they’ve also repaired 1,500 obstetric fistulas — 500 more than their initial goal — restoring dignity and hope to vulnerable mothers.

“If mothers are empowered and healthy, so are their families, leading to an alleviation of poverty and hunger.” Robert Zinser, co-founder of the Rotarian Action Group for Population and Development and retired president for Asia at chemical giant BASF”
– Submitted by: Christopher W Knapp, District 6000 Foundation Chair
#trf #TRFRotary #Rotary #rotaryinternational #ServiceAboveSelf