Posts Tagged ‘National Parks’
Thank you, Joe Wiegand, for being our guest Rotarian today and for your
impressive Reprisal of Theodore Roosevelt! It was fun, entertaining, and
informative. Plus, you were even nice enough to bring and give a
"Teddy" bear to one of our Rotarians who has a child due soon. Here’s
the link to his website in case you want to check it out,
Also, thank you to Marv and Delores Kading for bringing him to town to
perform at the St. John’s school fundraiser tonight at 6pm for sharing him with
us. We hope you enjoyed our Rotary meeting today and come back to visit/join us
soon. If you do not have anything going on this evening, I am sure they would
love to have you at their fundraiser.
Lastly, congratulations to Tony McLean on your 10-year Rotary anniversary
and Drew Erickson for your 5-year Rotary anniversary.
#ServiceAboveSelf #Rotary #TRF #TheodoreRoosevelt #nationalparks