Archive for April, 2024
Thank you, Joe Wiegand, for being our guest Rotarian today and for your
impressive Reprisal of Theodore Roosevelt! It was fun, entertaining, and
informative. Plus, you were even nice enough to bring and give a
"Teddy" bear to one of our Rotarians who has a child due soon. Here’s
the link to his website in case you want to check it out,
Also, thank you to Marv and Delores Kading for bringing him to town to
perform at the St. John’s school fundraiser tonight at 6pm for sharing him with
us. We hope you enjoyed our Rotary meeting today and come back to visit/join us
soon. If you do not have anything going on this evening, I am sure they would
love to have you at their fundraiser.
Lastly, congratulations to Tony McLean on your 10-year Rotary anniversary
and Drew Erickson for your 5-year Rotary anniversary.
#ServiceAboveSelf #Rotary #TRF #TheodoreRoosevelt #nationalparks

$3.9 million contributed!
“It’s the last Week of RI’s Month of Maternal & Child’s Health
Nine Pacific countries have committed to greater protection for children against life threatening diseases by expanding their immunization program that has been implemented by UNICEF in collaboration with Ministries of Health and funding from Rotary since 2020.The commitment will see vaccines for Pneumococcal Disease, Rotavirus, and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) added to the nations’ National Programs for Immunization. Rotary Project Director, James Allen, has been leading Rotary fundraising in Australia and New Zealand, and said, “Pacific countries are our near neighbors and we’re proud of the contribution we have made to protect children and adolescents in the region against life-threatening illnesses including pneumonia, diarrhea, and cervical cancer.” In the Pacific, pneumonia and diarrhea are among the top three causes of mortality in children under five years of age, while around one-third of all pneumonia deaths are due to pneumococcal disease. Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe diarrhea in children aged less than five years. Severe diarrhea can lead to dehydration, particularly in young children, and if left untreated can be life-threatening. Since the Rotary ‘Give Every Child a Future’ project’s inception, it has supported the countries to strengthen the supply chain, including the cold chain system to ensure that every child has timely access to safe and potent vaccines. Rotary Project Director, James Allen, has been leading Rotary fundraising in Australia and New Zealand, and said, “… we’re proud of the contribution we have made to protect children and adolescents in the region against life-threatening illnesses including pneumonia, diarrhea, and cervical cancer.” To date, fundraisers from Rotary have contributed US$3.9 million, through the project implemented by UNICEF, in cooperation with the nations’ Ministries of Health and supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
With a high burden of cervical cancer cases in the Pacific, most of which are attributed to HPV infection, the introduction of HPV Vaccine for adolescent girls will contribute to the reduction of preventable deaths. UNICEF will continue to support routine immunization programs in the Pacific island countries, through strengthening effective vaccine management practices, engaging communities to create vaccine demand and the procurement and delivery of quality as well as effective vaccines at an affordable cost to the governments. UNICEF remains committed to ensuring that all children and adolescents have good health, well-being and reach their full potential.” Submitted by: Christopher W Knapp, District 6000 Foundation Chair #maternalhealth #childhealth #Rotary #ServiceAboveSelf #rotaryinternational #GiveEveryChildAFuture
We are grateful for the opportunity to support all the hard work Mr. Skjerven and the Challenger students are putting into the CES 3rd grade fundraiser with a $5,000 check from Rotary!
It’s exciting to hear about the passion the students have for the project and the life skills they are developing by contributing toward it. We look forward to hearing more when you visit our Rotary meeting on Tuesday 5/7/24.
If you haven’t bought a cup or donated money yet to support this project, please consider doing so.
#CESFundraiser #ServiceAboveSelf #rotary #TRF

Thank you to Dale Rystad and the Close-Up students from Lincoln High School for visiting our Rotary meeting today and sharing your experience to Washington D.C. with us.
It was fun to hear your experience even helped one of you with you state speech competition.
It was our pleasure to help sponsor your trip and we look forward to seeing where you careers take you.
#ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary #LHS #closeup
Here’s an updated list of our upcoming meetings and events that we are excited about!
4/30/24 at noon at the Legion: Rhonda Stucy is hosting the Lincoln High School students we sponsored to go to “Close-Up” so we can hear about their trip/experience and see the short video they put together for us.
5/1/24 at 5pm at the Eagles: We are competing in the King of Wings competition to help raise money for the Sanford Auxiliary
5/7/24 at noon at the Legion: Rhonda Stucy is hosting Courtney Skjerven to discuss the Challenger Elementary School 3rd Grade Fundraiser that we were excited to sponsor.
6/27/24 at 5pm at picnic shelter/garden behind the ODC building: We are having a family friendly social gathering to pass the gavel from our current president, Rhonda Stucy, to our next president, me. It will be a family friendly BBQ with food provided. Guests are welcome too.
8/16/24 and 8/17/24 at Riverfest: Rotarians will be volunteering in the Beer Garden to raise money for our club to donate to local projects.
8/17/24 9am-3pm at Riverfest: Rotary has sponsored a Kids Zone Book Swap. Kids are encouraged to bring a book to exchange for a new book, but Rotary wants to make sure no kid walks away without a book. Therefore, even if kids show up without a book, we will give them one. With that in mind, we ask Rotarians (and anyone else willing) to donate their unused books at one of our Tuesday Rotary lunches or directly to Rhonda Stucy at Wings Financial Credit Union so we can make sure no child goes empty handed.
We are excited to grow and make a larger impact locally and across the world. Therefore, please reach out with questions, are interested in attending a meeting, and/or would like to become a TRF Rotary member!
Thank you!
#ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary
“Earth Day Today
Earth Day is a day to celebrate the progress that has been made in protecting our environment and to commit to continuing those efforts. Rotary has adopted as its Seventh Area of Focus to Protect the Environment. In our lifetimes we have seen dramatic reductions in air pollution from vehicles, clean ups of hazardous waste sites, river and streams recovered to clean water, a dramatic increase in the use of renewable energy, and a raised consciousness of the importance of protecting our environment especially in our young people. Rotary’s commitment internationally to the environment also signals our efforts to be relevant to our next generation of Rotarians in our Clubs and in our leadership. Our District has an Environment Committee that can help with environmentally focused service project ideas. When talking with prospective younger members be sure to mention our commitment to protecting the environment.” – Mark Leutgeb District 5580 Membership Chair
“Welcome to Week 4 of RI’s Month of Maternal & Child Health
Rotary Club of Jaipur Round Town, RID 3054 and Rotary Club of Rajdhani, RID 3292 (Nepal) collaborated to establish the Renal Sciences Center at the Rajasthan Hospital in Jaipur through a Rotary Foundation Global Grant worth $288,000 USD. In a report by Team Rotary News, the RF-sponsored center will provide low-cost dialysis and associated services like retinopathy and neuropathy to less privileged patients. Project coordinator, PDG Ramesh Agrawal said that the project has already benefitted over 5,500 patients. The new facility will provide a complete spectrum of care from simple dialysis to a renal transplant procedure, cataract and laparoscopic surgeries and other related treatments at much lower costs than private hospitals. It has also helped in providing employment opportunities by training over 100 paramedical staff. (source:
Fun Facts about Jaipur, India.
The Pink City…so named when in 1876, the Prince of Wales and Queen Victoria visited India and the Maharaja of Jaipur ordered the whole city painted pink. Since then, it has become the color of hospitality
Capital city of Rajasthan State, NW India.
First planned city in India, started in 1726 and completed in 4 years.
Population in 2023: 4,207,000
Hosts World’s largest free literary festival
Has the most expensive hotel suites (The Raj Mahal Presidential Suite is $50,000 per night)
Jaipur has the biggest circular park in all of Asia.
RID 3054 is home to over 125 clubs.” – Christopher W Knapp, District 6000 Foundation Chair
#ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary #EarthDay #maternalhealth #childhealth

We are excited about our upcoming meetings and hope you are too!
– 4/20/24 at 4pm Dave Beito is hosting us at his home for a social to determine which sauce we want to use for the King of Wings competition on 5/1/24 for the Sanford Auxiliary Fundraiser. Family and guests are welcome.
– 4/23/24 at noon at the Legion. Rhonda Stucy is hosting the Close-Up Students from Lincoln High school that we sponsored for their trip to hear about their experience.
– 4/30/24 at noon at the Legion. Rhonda Stucy is hosting a guest Rotarian, Joe Wiegand, a Theodore Roosevelt Reprisor & Goodwill Ambassador.
Please reach out if you have questions, are interested in attending a meeting as a guest, or are interested in being a guest speaker at a future Rotary meeting.
We usually meet on Tuesdays at noon at the Legion for a lunch meeting. However, here are some of our upcoming events outside of Tuesdays that we are excited about!
– 4/20 Saturday @ 4pm – King of Wings (KOW) – Social. Potluck Style Social (BYOB) to pick our Signature Sauce for this year’s KOW fundraiser for Sanford Auxiliary. Guests and spouses are welcome. The more the merrier!
– 5/1 Wednesday @ 5pm – KOW Sanford Auxiliary Fundraiser at the Eagles.
– 6/27 Thursday @ 5pm (begins) – Passing of the gavel – Social at Lions Park. BBQ style picnic (BYOB) and fun for the whole family.
– 8/16 Friday & 8/17 Saturday – Riverfest Beer Garden Fundraiser.
– 8/17 Saturday 9-3 – *NEW* this year – Rotary sponsored Kids Zone Book Swap – Bring one get one for kids. No kid will go without a book even if they don’t bring one to swap. Please donate unused books at one of our Tuesday meetings at the Legion or bring them to Wings Financial for Rhonda.
There will be more to come and we hope everyone enjoys the warming weather!
#ServiceAboveSelf #TRF #Rotary
Thank you Travis Giffen, TRF Public Works Director, for your update on the projects in process and coming up in the area at today’s Rotary meeting. Here’s one of them,
Also, thank you to our Rotarian, Richard Baker, for hosting Travis!
📚 If you have books you aren’t using please donate them. Our rotary chapter is sponsoring a book exchange at Riverfest this year and want to make sure no child goes without a book (even if they don’t have one to exchange). Rhonda Stucy is leading the effort and is excited to accept book donations at Wings Financial or at our Rotary meetings. Please let us know if you have questions.
Last but not least, Happy birthday to our Rotarian, Paul Burnett
We are looking to grow in 2024 and even have scholarships available to new members. So, come check us out at one of our weekly lunches or socials. We would love to have you.
#TRF #trfrotary #Rotary #ServiceAboveSelf
“Welcome to Week 2 of RI’s Month of Maternal and Child Health.
No country has greater instances of maternal death than Nigeria. In 2020, 82,000 pregnant women and new mothers died there, nearly four times the maternal fatalities in India, where the second-most deaths occur. One contributing factor? Sixty percent of births in Nigeria take place outside of a health center or hospital, meaning mothers and expectant mothers are far more vulnerable if complications arise. And they so often do: The top causes of maternal deaths include postpartum hemorrhage, obstructed labor, and eclampsia, when seizures develop from a complication that can cause high blood pressure and organ damage. “Most people view [the deaths] as a punishment from the gods or some kind of witchcraft,” says midwife Ashezi David Alu. “But it’s just a pure act of negligence because of poor management of those complications.” Now a $2 million Programs of Scale grant from The Rotary Foundation is addressing this problem head on. Its goal is to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality by 25 percent in target areas at the end of the three-year program. Known as Together for Healthy Families in Nigeria, the initiative is sponsored by Rotary District 1860 (Germany) in partnership with Districts 9110, 9125, 9141, and 9142 (Nigeria), as well as the Rotary Action Group for Reproductive, Maternal, and Child Health. Unfolding in targeted areas within three Nigerian states and the Federal Capital Territory, the initiative builds on previous work by Rotary members in the country. It’s hoped that, once the program demonstrates its effectiveness, it will be replicated across Nigeria and elsewhere. Critically, Rotary members are partnering with federal and state agencies in implementing the program to ensure the intervention and its benefits last far longer than the three years of the grant cycle. “This project is going to birth more projects,” insists Toyosi Adebambo, the program’s manager
– Submitted by: Christopher W Knapp, District 6000 Foundation Chair
#rotaryinternational #Rotary #ServiceAboveSelf